Dear Mr. Watterson: An Exploration of Calvin & Hobbes



Director: Joel Allen Schroeder

Release Date: May 18, 2014

Where to Watch

Dear Mr. Watterson: An Exploration of Calvin & Hobbes is a Kickstarter funded documentary that explores people’s relationship with the comic, its origins, the refusal to financially capitalize on its popularity in contrast to Garfield and Peanuts and its place in the cultural spectrum of art, particularly as viewed by academics. Because I recently saw Stripped, I thought that even if I was not well versed in Calvin & Hobbes, but just appreciated it, I would still enjoy Dear Mr. Watterson: An Exploration of Calvin & Hobbes. Instead I treated Dear Mr. Watterson: An Exploration of Calvin & Hobbes as background viewing while I did something else. Dear Mr. Watterson: An Exploration of Calvin & Hobbes failed to capture my attention, which means that it was not for me, but maybe if you are a hardcore fan of Calvin & Hobbes, you will enjoy it. For the rest of us, see Stripped instead.

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