

Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Director: Brian A. Miller

Release Date: January 16, 2015

Where to Watch

Vice takes the premise of Westworld, empathizes with the robots and fleshes out the long term effect of wealthy patrons reentering the real world after leaving a resort that permits them to do whatever they want. Vice seems like a cool concept, but it is actually a disappointing empty action movie reminiscent of the 80s when a concept became popular and someone wanted to make a quick buck so they made a cheaper version with more gunfire and hot girls. Just skip Vice and stick to Westworld (I have only seen the movie, not the series).
Bruce Willis plays a minor role in Vice as the owner of the resort in a soft-spoken performance, but is probably the most interesting character in the movie. Thomas Jane has to wear a bad wig and plays the typical, disgruntled cop that makes the captain of the precinct take antacids. I feel like all the actors were given weird instructions on how to perform their roles. The techs are extra sadistic. Since we never learn more about him, the blade runner is inexplicably weird. The robot is way too cool with meeting her creator. When she gets all Matrix-y, it is so disappointing and anticlimactic. Side note: the church’s architecture was really weird, and I would like to know more about that building or at least that choice.
Vice takes the right side of the conflict then blows it on cheap action and inane storytelling. Vice is not even worth a hate viewing.

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