Poster of Fright Night 2

Fright Night 2

Comedy, Horror, Thriller

Director: Eduardo Rodriguez

Release Date: October 1, 2013

Where to Watch

Fright Night 2 bears no relation to Fright Night starring Colin Farrell so skip it. Fright Night 2 has the same character names, but is not a real sequel and has a straight to home viewing vibe. Fright Night 2 is basically an excuse for voyeuristic girl on girl action and is an elaborate contrivance for the nice guy to get the girl of his dreams.
Fright Night 2 only has three interesting moments. First, vampires use sonar like bats. Second, the animated section depicts the history of the main vampire–maybe the whole film should have been animated. Third, Sean Power as Peter Vincent is the best part of the movie. Peter Vincent plays a TV host of a paranormal show, but in real life, he patronizes strip clubs and only cares about money. When he actually meets vampires, his reaction is so real, and he retreats to the strip club wearing a yellow black polka dot fake fur coat. I wish that Fright Night 2 focused on him instead of the American teens on a class trip to Romania.
While Sean Power’s performance is amazingly enjoyable, it is not enough to waste 1 hour 40 minutes of your life watching Fright Night 2. There are plenty of great films with naked women and vampires so go watch them instead if that is what is drawing you to Fright Night 2.
Also bone to pick side note: why is Charley the only one who retains his will when he becomes a vampire? Fright Night 2 is just inherently sloppy.

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