Poster of The Cabin In the Woods

The Cabin In the Woods

Horror, Mystery, Thriller

Director: Drew Goddard

Release Date: April 13, 2012

Where to Watch

If you have not seen this film, then you should NOT read anything about the film for fear that it will ruin the delightful surprise that awaits you in the theater, and you should definitely see it in the theater even if you have to skip a meal or pawn some jewelry depending on how much movie tickets cost in your neck of the woods. It is worth the pain of leaving your house & dealing with the hassles of opening weekend crowds to insure that Hollywood keeps giving financial backing to good movies! If you have ever watched a Joss Whedon production & liked it, you will love The Cabin In the Woods (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Serenity, Dollhouse). If you have ever seen a horror film, you will love it. If you like complex story lines that constantly shift, you will love it. If you like Richard Jenkins & Bradley Whitford, you will love it. If you like to laugh, you will love it. If you can’t stand the sight of blood, you should not go. Definitely you shouldn’t go, but everyone else that you know should go while you watch American Reunion or Mirror Mirror, which I am sure are fine movies, but not as fine as The Cabin in the Woods. I may see it again this weekend!

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