Just Like A Woman (2012)



Director: Rachid Bouchareb

Release Date: July 5, 2013

Where to Watch

Just Like A Woman (2012) depicts two women who accidentally end up on a belly dancing road trip together after both experience negative turning points in their relationships. Just Like A Woman (2012) stars Sienna Miller, whom I have always liked. Unfortunately Just Like A Woman (2012) simultaneously does too much and too little.
Just Like A Woman (2012) expects me to believe that two women who just chat at the grocery store become super close friends overnight. It is possible, but not probable. Just Like A Woman (2012) could have made the friendship more believable. It also felt like Thomas Hardy came into the future and had to earn some money so he wrote Just Like A Woman (2012) after brushing up on our era by binging on Lifetime channel productions. If something negative could happen to a woman just short of rape, it happened in Just Like A Woman (2012). The harassment of the Egyptian immigrants felt more authentic until some how Miller became the real victim of xenophobia, which was a somewhat galling twist, not that I wanted her friend to experience it, but really!?! There is an obligatory empathetic gay guy. The murder investigation was too much.
Just Like A Woman (2012) was not all bad. Just Like A Woman (2012) got two things right. First, Just Like A Woman (2012) perfectly depicts the strife at home inflicted by the mother in law on her daughter in law. Everyone wants kids, but no one wants women to be sexy or have fun or even have sex. The passivity of the son/husband and the terror inflicted by a woman on another woman in the privacy of their home should have been explored more, and Just Like A Woman (2012) missed an opportunity. If that aspect of Just Like A Woman (2012) sounds interesting to you, see Mother of George. Second, Just Like A Woman (2012) is at its more visually captivating when the two women are camping on the reservation.
I am not going to tackle the issue of cultural appropriation and belly dancing in Just Like A Woman (2012), but if that is your thing, either pro or against, then check out Just Like A Woman (2012) and get back to me. Belly dancing is not a part of my culture (I think) so it is not for me to say, but I have noticed a lot of scuttlebutt over the interwebs about belly dancing so it is worth noting, but not for me to give my opinion. I will say that I saw a man belly dancing on YouTube, and he blew these two away. I was dancing late into the night after his performance whereas their moves did not move me.
Just Like A Woman (2012) ultimately did nothing for me and sported so many tropes that my eyes were tired from all the rolling. Just Like A Woman (2012) is not without some merit, but if given the chance to do it again, I wouldn’t.

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