Poster of Game of Death

Game of Death

Action, Crime, Drama

Director: Robert Clouse, Bruce Lee

Release Date: June 8, 1979

Where to Watch

Game of Death is about an undercover CIA operative coming to terms with the moral implications of a recent CIA mission. Basically Game of Death has a bunch of double-crossing to get money and moralizing that the government does not really care about its operatives so they need to look out for number one instead of the mission. Game of Death stars Wesley Snipes, who has bills to pay, but I would prefer him in anything else and am sad that he wasted his time on this film.
Game of Death uses my least favorite narrative device. Game of Death starts at the end, and the majority of the film is a flashback of what happened in the opening scene. Sometimes there are flashbacks within the flashbacks that the main character could not possibly know and makes no narrative sense. Drives me bonkers. Also randomly it will switch to black and white, but I have no idea why. Game of Death tried to elevate the plot by introducing a religious theme, but it fell flat.
I decided to watch Game of Death because I recently decided to see every Zoe Bell movie. I need to vacate that rule. Game of Death is dreadful-the script and the action scenes, which is really disappointing since it is primarily an action movie. Game of Death is complete garbage. Maybe international money drops do go down in Detroit and arms dealers and hedge fund managers do affect political outcomes in Africa-not a particular country, but the whole continent—but Game of Death did not convince me of this reality.
Please note that the direct to rental market does not always mean a mark of inferiority, but in Game of Death’s case, it was. There are too many excellent movies and TV shows to waste your time on Game of Death even if you are a fan of Snipes or Zoe Bell. Do not be me!

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