Poster of My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2

Comedy, Romance

Director: Kirk Jones

Release Date: March 25, 2016

Where to Watch

If you loved My Big Fat Greek Wedding, do yourself a favor and never watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 because I am a completist, and I saw the original with my mom when it was in theaters in 2002. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 is so terrible that I am questioning whether the first film was even good. Even my mom found it excruciating, and our biggest laugh came when we looked at each other and wondered why we were still watching such an awful movie.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 is like an overstuffed sitcom with none of the laughs or appeal. There are multiple story lines that are hastily thrown together to make an incoherent, sloppy story: makeovers, reinvigorating marriage, coming out, prom, college, brother reunion, tired not really married trope, mean, disapproving neighbors, etc.
I also found myself wondering how many of the actors playing Greek characters in My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 were actually Greek. I am familiar with some of the actors’ prior work in which they played Italian or Jewish characters. How do actual Greek Americans or Greeks feel about that?
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 was at its funniest when a physical rehab played techno music as elderly men were exercising otherwise it tried too hard to do too much. Doing literally anything else is probably more fun than watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. I am not exaggerating.

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