Poster of Born Rich

Born Rich


Director: Jamie Johnson

Release Date: January 19, 2003

Where to Watch

I feel uncomfortable reviewing Born Rich because I know some of the people featured in this film & people who can be placed in this category. I do not want anyone to equate my impressions with my opinions about individuals that I know, but many people constantly recommended seeing this film so I want to let you know that I’ve seen it & instead of reviewing the film, which is very thoughtful & well done, explain my feelings after watching it. People are people. Some are jerks & some are awesome. I also believe that being wealthy doesn’t change which one you’ll be, but it does amplify your tendencies &/or make people vulnerable in ways that most people can’t imagine. This film touches on the problems that can result from inheriting wealth: shame, depression, drug & alcohol abuse. In Genesis, even in paradise before the fall, human beings were supposed to work so by not having to work, in a sense, they are already exiled from paradise, i.e. contributing meaningfully to the world in some small way. There are two choices: lead a meaningful or a superficial life. I felt awful & broken hearted for the ones who didn’t recognize that struggle, already fell into the latter slot & surrendered to decadence. I always felt bad for the others as well because they are so exposed to the worst aspects of family life: ignored by parents, the world knowing about your family’s problems before you, imagining your inevitable divorce before even falling in love, not being valued for who you are. If you watch this film, please try not to be judgmental of these people and instead pray for them. I’m not saying that it will be easy, especially since what some spend on a bar tab could probably make you solvent for a considerable period of time, but I still encourage you to do so. “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:26

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