Poster of The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

Action, Crime, Thriller

Director: Troy Duffy

Release Date: December 11, 2009

Where to Watch

Credit where credit is due: in The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day, Troy Duffy fixed all the things that went wrong in the original and kept all the narrative elements that worked in the predecessor. The sequel is far more enjoyable because each character gets a fair amount of focus, and every actor in the movie is strong. Together, the whole ensemble creates a strong, cohesive team with no one outshining the other. The story gives a thinly veiled homage to Godfather II–homage, NOT rip off or imitation. Billy Connolly’s character is focused on throughout the entire story. Also the editing doesn’t hurt the story and make it unintelligible by cutting essential narrative clues and overindulging by focusing too much on the most flamboyant characters (looking at you, Rocco). An addition of several men of mystery elevated the story from trendy, fly by night gangster movie to a story that fits the epic elements that it strives to meet. I look forward to another sequel.

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