Poster of Tactical Assault

Tactical Assault

Action, Thriller

Director: Mark Griffiths

Release Date: April 7, 1998

Where to Watch

I am committed to watching every Rutger Hauer film, which can sometimes be a sadistic commitment. I also root for Robert Patrick because he is an American great actor who has taken some dreadful roles. I could not resist the combination and watched Tactical Assault, which was a poor life choice. Tactical Assault is just a bad movie, not a movie that is so bad that it is good. Tactical Assault focuses on two Air Force pilots. Hauer plays the psycho one, and Patrick plays the normal one. Patrick’s character really should have known better because Hauer’s character has been psycho for more than a minute. Tactical Assault tries to make the narrative more textured than it is and takes it precious time revealing what happened in the past, but if you have ever watched a movie before, you will figure it out pretty quickly. The most annoying character is Patrick’s pregnant wife. At the beginning of the film, she is a spectacular idiot, but by the end of the film, she outshines both men in action shenanigans as she effectively dodges bullets and drives enormous vehicles. Do yourself a favor and avoid Tactical Assault even if you are a Hauer and/or Patrick fan.

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