Poster of Silent Night

Silent Night, Zombie Night

Horror, Sci-Fi

Director: Sean Cain

Release Date: November 22, 2009

Where to Watch

Silent Night, Zombie Night is about a zombie outbreak before Christmas. Silent Night, Zombie Night focuses on a LAPD officer who is a bad husband and a bad friend/partner. Every trite relationship trope is thrown into the script to keep the plot limping along. Silent Night, Zombie Night sounds like it might be fun, but it was a complete waste of time, and the Christmas angle isn’t even really played for laughs. There is one emblematic, but random scene at night after everyone should know about the zombie outbreak when people are congregating outside for no sane reason other than fodder for more zombie attacks. One guy accidentally shoots the same person a couple of different times. One of them needs to do better. Silent Night, Zombie Night tried to make a distinction between types of zombies, but by the time I got to that plot point, I didn’t care. If you squint, Jack Forcinito, who plays the bad husband/friend, is kind of cute in an aging Dean Winchester from Supernatural sort of way. Sometimes a movie is so bad that it is good and becomes a cult classic, but Silent Night, Zombie Night is so bad that it is not worth watching.

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