Poster of Grabbers


Action, Adventure, Comedy

Director: Jon Wright

Release Date: August 10, 2012

Where to Watch

Grabbers is like a Saturday Night Live skit-initially hilarious, but goes on too long and makes you regret that you ever started watching it. Grabbers is about an alien invasion that takes place off the coast of Ireland. The aliens are more monstrous than intelligent, more primal than advanced. Grabbers also mixes in a bit of mismatched cop partners-one is a functional alcoholic and the other is a no nonsense, straight laced cop subbing from the big city-with a dash of contrived opposites attract tropes that I could not buy even if I drank as much as all the characters in film. Add a dash of irreverent locals that would feel welcome in Rev.’s parish, and you’ve got Grabbers. Grabbers wants to be Hot Fuzz, but it is more like Slightly Warm Fuzz. It also doesn’t help that a big part of the laughs come from the trope of Irish people sure love to drink. Bwahahaha stereotypes are funny! Blink.

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