Poster of Lunopolis



Director: Matthew Avant

Release Date: October 11, 2011

Where to Watch

The only thing that I regret about watching Lunopolis is that I did not have enough time to watch it two times in a row, but I plan to rectify that situation in the near future. Lunopolis is a fake documentary. Lunopolis is a heady mix of Fringe meets Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief meets AM radio late night call in shows about the supernatural meets Discovery channel absurd documentaries about aliens.
Lunopolis is far from a perfect movie-most movies aren’t, and that would be a lot to ask from a movie that went straight to video/DVD/home consumption, but Lunopolis’ only cinematic flaw is when the characters have confrontations, the acting becomes obviously wooden, and the story becomes unbelievable. Lunopolis’ narrative and images are culturally flawed as well-basically every awesome and advanced person is white, but when Lunopolis points where the world went wrong, Lunopolis flashed to the stereotypical poverty stricken African child running through trash laden landscape. For only pennies a day, you can save this child. George Washington is a notable historical figure, but Lunopolis harped on him like he was the most pivotal American historical figure ever. (Side note: John Quincy Adams).
I watched Lunopolis when it was available instantly on Netflix, but now you can find it streaming on Hulu OR purchase a DVD on Amazon. If you are a sci-fi lover, Lunopolis is a must see. I wish that Looper could be eliminated from the timeline and replaced with Lunopolis.

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