Such a magnificently bad movie that I don’t know where to begin! Mashup of alien invasion, cave men & lost civilizations, i.e. 20th century America. You, damn dirty apes. Whoops! Wrong movie, but same concept. It is the earth in the future! What happened!?! Revolution! What else makes Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 deliciously crap? Wipe screen transitions–am I editing this movie on my computer!?! Human beings sound like apes to the aliens & the aliens sound like Star Wars’ bar rejects to the humans. The alien codpieces! John Travolta chewing the scenery! The script is so bad that it was probably written by a 5 year old who just learned about the concept of sci fi/fantasy movies: “learning machine,” “man animals,” “rat brain.” The villains are called Psychlos! If people are concerned that it was Scientology propaganda, they shouldn’t be. No one will convert based on this film! Forrest Whittaker & Barry Pepper, did you really need the money?