Poster of The Mark: Redemption

The Mark: Redemption

Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi

Director: James Chankin

Release Date: May 7, 2013

Where to Watch

The Mark: Redemption is the sequel to the “Christian” film, The Mark. The nicest thing that I can write about The Mark: Redemption is that the Anti-Christ gets more scenes, and he may be the best actor in the group. (Sorry, Eric Roberts, I’m not saying that you’re not good. I’m saying that your character isn’t interesting. The writers make you enemies with the Anti-Christ, but you both think that the Mark is better. It makes no sense-shouldn’t you be working together?) The backhanded compliment: I got some great sleep on the couch during The Mark: Redemption without missing anything because there are so many awful action scenes.
The Mark: Redemption suffers from the same problems as its predecessors except it is more ridiculous. When did the flight attendant learn how to shoot a gun and fight? Why is she a better fighter than the main character who is supposed to be some kind of deadly expert, but I’m pretty sure that my cats and I could take him in a fight? The story somehow becomes more ludicrous than the first in connecting characters. It is wretched, and I’m sure there will be another one. Don’t watch it!

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