Poster of Home Sweet Hell

Home Sweet Hell

Comedy, Crime, Thriller

Director: Anthony Burns

Release Date: February 3, 2015

Where to Watch

Home Sweet Hell belongs in that special category of films like Spanglish and The Family Stone where an elaborate scheme is set up that makes the wife/fiancee so awful that adultery seems like the best choice except it is also a mash up with the genre oops I killed the hooker and now we “normal” people have to dispose of the body and get inadvertently involved in criminal hijinks. Unfortunately while making the movie, the filmmakers got distracted again and wondered what would happen if the awful woman was actually good at murder and all sorts of nefarious shenanigans then just when it got traction and started to have fun with the dissonance, it says stop that and ends. I think that Patrick Wilson was miscast considering his turn in Hard Candy and Let’s Kill Ward’s Wife. Wilson may look normal, but he plays sinister so I did not buy his every man schtick. Katherine Heigl must be hard up for work because she did a perfect job and nearly stole the whole movie, but the movie did not care. Randomly one of the bad guys is Scottish. OK. At one point, he wears a kilt. I think that they thought it would be innately funny, but it ended up just being a waste of Rome’s Kevin McKidd. Apparently Home Sweet Hell was released on DVD and theaters. Do yourself a favor: skip it wherever it is.

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