Poster of Miss Meadows

Miss Meadows

Comedy, Crime, Drama

Director: Karen Leigh Hopkins

Release Date: November 14, 2014

Where to Watch

I’ve always liked Katie Holmes’ work since Pieces of April then her career stagnated once she got married. People just look at the surface and don’t realize that she is more than a pretty face. Miss Meadows gives Katie Holmes an opportunity to give an unhinged, highly stylized performance as a Charles Bronson style vigilante. Even without the perfect wardrobe and the visual cues to Miss Meadows’ mental deficiencies, Holmes’ eyes and head tell the entire story as she keenly evaluates each person to determine whether or not he should live or die. Miss Meadows is a cross between a vengeful Snow White and Mary from the nursery rhyme-she has to protect her lambs. The film cleverly adjusts the color from a vibrant palette to a more realistic grungier look as Miss Meadows becomes saner and begins to see the world as it is. The denouement is a bit of a let down, especially since Miss Meadows is clearly addressing some concepts about gender roles, but the final scene left me with more questions as her CGI animals change from bucolic animals to birds of prey. If you like movies that tackle gender norms, vigilante movies or Katie Holmes, watch Miss Meadows, but don’t expect perfection.

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