

Crime, Thriller

Director: Ron Morales

Release Date: April 26, 2013

Where to Watch

Graceland is an amazing movie that is incredibly uncomfortable to watch. In the initial opening scenes, there is already child prostitution, drugging, alcohol and political corruption. It isn’t stylized-neither glorified, nor made monstrous, but feels like it was shot in a cinema verite style. Graceland takes well-known movie plots and makes them shocking again. The daughter of a chauffeur for a corrupt politician gets kidnapped, and the politician does not know what happened to his daughter. What unfolds is simultaneously expected and unexpected. Who needs a dystopian world when reality is so depressing? If all art can be classified by pre-fall, post-fall, heaven and/or hell, then Graceland is permanently in the post-fall category. Everyone is culpable-the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Graceland was shot in the Philippines so there are subtitles. Not a must see, but if you are looking for light entertainment, go elsewhere. Graceland is a very strong movie that humanizes the thriller model.

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