Poster of Out of the Clear Blue Sky

Out of the Clear Blue Sky


Director: Danielle Gardner

Release Date: August 3, 2012

Where to Watch

Out of the Clear Blue Sky is a strange documentary. Out of the Clear Blue Sky commences with the widespread grief felt by the families and few surviving coworkers of Cantor Fitzgerald after 9/11, which is incredibly moving. Out of the Clear Blue Sky is primarily about the financial services firm post-9/11 as personified by its chairman and CEO, Howard Lutnick. Out of the Clear Blue Sky’s agenda is to show that Cantor Fitzgerald is primarily a family hardest hit by 9/11. Even though Cantor Fitzgerald is a business that was also fighting for its life after 9/11, it was primarily concerned with caring for the families of those who died. While I didn’t doubt Out of the Clear Blue Sky’s sincerity and heart, especially considering that Cantor Fitzgerald appears to deliver on its charitable promises, I did begin to feel like I was watching an infomercial, and an argument that businesses are people too. Only a must see if any portion of the subject matter interests you.

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