Poster of Only Lovers Left Alive

Only Lovers Left Alive

Comedy, Drama, Fantasy

Director: Jim Jarmusch

Release Date: December 25, 2013

Where to Watch

Only Lovers Left Alive is a strange combination of unpredictable and formulaic that worked for me. The pacing of the movie is so deliberate that even when you realize that the inevitable is going to happen, it is still fresh and interesting. For the vamp lovers, there are tantalizing bits added to the vamp mythology and new customs to get adjusted to while keeping some old vamp tropes that haven’t been used since Bela Lugosi. It may be one of the few movies that does NOT obey Hitchcock’s movie making principles. The cast is perfection-a couple of greats that recently appeared in Snowpiecer and Loki. Anton Yelchin is unrecognizable and is slowly building an impressive career brick by brick, movie by movie. Mia Wasikowska finally shakes off her normally somber roles. The setting is inspired and is as much a commentary about the health of our world as our nation. Think muted dystopian twist on the zombie apocalypse. Only Lovers Left Alive portray vamps as the intellectual catlike one percent-effortlessly gifted, cultivators of culture and curators of all that makes our world special, but troubled by the encroaching invasion of the thoughtless to their way of life. Only Lovers Left Alive is a must see for vamp lovers who prefer words and atmosphere over action.

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