Poster of The Internship

The Internship


Director: Shawn Levy

Release Date: June 7, 2013

Where to Watch

If The Internship wasn’t so rooted in Google, it might have worked. Who doesn’t love Vince Vaughn? Pair him with Owen Wilson and you have chemistry for days. A John Goodman cameo means joy. There is a solid emotional backbone to a largely formulaic comedy, but it becomes dated and infomercial questionable by using Google as the backdrop for the characters’ shenanigans. The Internship’s strongest moments and points of character development occur at strip clubs, restaurants, bars, pizza shops or even dark halls where the Google atmosphere is toned down. Josh Gad, i.e. “Headphones,” steals the show even when uttering really awkward Google speak. The cardboard villain is so trite that a portion of the dialogue actually expounds on how cliche he is. Some bits run a bit long like a Saturday Night Live skit near the end of the show. Not a must see, but you won’t have to rush for the remote to change the channel if it comes on.

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