Poster of Safety Not Guaranteed

Safety Not Guaranteed

Adventure, Comedy, Drama

Director: Colin Trevorrow

Release Date: June 15, 2012

Where to Watch

If you like April from Parks and Recreations or Nick from The New Girl, Safety Not Guaranteed is a must see! Acting style and great dialogue aside, I’m actually torn regarding whether or not I actually like the movie. I think that I do because I attempted to watch it two times without interruptions and failed–my interruptions had interruptions. Safety Not Guaranteed is an enjoyable movie because of the character interactions: they are simultaneously mocking and caring as each character tries to recreate or find a moment in life when they felt whole, secure and good. It is filled with pathos, but not depressing or going for some overtly deep meaning in an eye-rolling way. After 40 minutes, the tone of the movie changes-it isn’t just quirky fun and games. It goes to a place where Lars and the Real Girl doesn’t go-it actually confronts the issue of whether or not a character is mentally disabled and possibly dangerous. Then it tries to pivot away from that direction, but it never fully regains its earlier, lighter tone. Part of me felt cheated when the movie definitively answered a question regarding whether or not a character is crazy, full of crap or telling the truth. I didn’t really care about the answer. Any way that you answer has its pitfalls and hijacks the focus of the movie from the internal drama to external, tertiary plot. Or it is a metaphor for committing completely to another person despite risks, and the ending is perfection. I would give the movie a third viewing. A mumble core movie at heart.

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