Poster of Trinity Blood

Trinity Blood

Animation, Action, Drama

Director: N/A

Release Date: September 9, 2006

Where to Watch

Vampires + apocalypse doesn’t always equal good entertainment. Something must be lost in translation because every episode of Trinity Blood has random giggling, characters crying & gasps of wonder or fear & lots of stumbling. I think someone took the Cliff Notes book on Western culture then tried to extrapolate from it thus causing more confusion in the story. Example: the series creator’s view of the Vatican is so different from the actual Vatican that it is painfully distracting. The Pope is a teenage boy. Women hold positions of power. Nuns wear tight outfits. Just no. The main character’s traits change so dramatically it is painfully: one minute high pitched squeaky fumbling doofus & next somber ordinary voice. Also to understand the story, I had to read about it in Wikipedia. So the manga version must have made more sense.

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