Is Express’ Rewards a scam? (UPDATE: No)

Assume that every time that I contact Express, regardless of the method, I provide my name, email and phone number.


5/7/19 1stonline purchase

I tried to logon using Facebook account, but got an error message “Failed contacting the server. Make sure you are connected to the Internet and please try again.”


5/18/19 I worked with someone through live chat. We tried to get on my account by going to

  1., which is sign up with email, and
  2., which is sign in with email and hit forgot passcode to get email to reset it, which I never get, and I check my inbox & junk folder.

On my computer, I tried to do the aforementioned on Safari & Chrome, which I cleared cache on. I also used the Google app on my phone to get to the Express website to do the aforementioned. I still got same error message that I got on computer. I sent screen caps to Express. I was directed to try at a later date, which I did, but it never worked.

5/20/19 2ndonline purchase

5/28/19 I worked with someone through live chat. We did the same steps. This person said he would report it, and Express would send an email to reset the password in 72 hours, even though I am told that it only has an email, & none of my other information so I never had a password. I never got an email, & I checked my inbox & junk email.

5/29/19 3rd online purchase

6/5/19 4th online purchase

6/8/19 I used live chat in morning to find out how much money I could redeem using my reward points ($10), which will expire on August 3, 2019, and confirmed that I could only redeem it by signing into account. That afternoon, I discovered there was an app, downloaded it & when I tried to do it both ways, got this error message, “Oops, Our Bad. An error has occurred. Please try again later.” I did another live chat & rep suggested that I send an email to, which I did with a screencap of the app error mesage.

6/9/19 I received a response to email, which requests information, including my Loyalty ID number. In live chat, I ask directly for the Loyalty ID number, but they ignore my direct question, try to get me to logon and ignore my statements that I can’t, which is why I need that information to reply to technical email. After a half hour, they refer me to their 1-800 number. I express my annoyance that my time was wasted (almost a half hour). I call the 1-800 number, and the woman who answers gives me my Loyalty ID number, tries to troubleshoot, says will refer to supervisor, and an email will be sent in 72 hours. I say that it won’t be because it didn’t before. I reply to email with all requested details, which include the following:

“Operating Systems Used (iOS, Android, Windows PC, Mac Apple): For my computer, I use Mac Apple 10.14.5 (18F132). For my iPhone Xs
Browsers Used Chrome, & Safari

On the phone, I use the app”

6/10/19  I write this post then tweet it @Express.

6/11/19 On Twitter, at 10:16 am, I get a response from @Express requesting that I DM them, which I do at 2:13-2:15 pm. Express responds at 2:48 pm with direct phone number then states that working with IT department and reassures me that I won’t lose reward points.

6/12/19 Via email, I receive a reply to the email that I sent on 6/9/19 stating that they sent me an email to reset the password. I photograph my inbox & junk folder then reply to the email that it would be great if I actually got an email, which I didn’t. I get a coupon with one of my shipped purchases and make 4th online purchase with a slight problem that I caused. Live Chat is useless, but I’m prepared and call Customer Service, which resolves the problem immediately.

At this point, I suspect that I may not be the only one dealing with these technical problems, and it could be a scam to insure that people don’t redeem their reward points. I hope that I’m wrong. I have wasted so much time, spent so much money and have gotten nowhere. The final straw was probably when the app didn’t work. Because I’m revamping my wardrobe, I’m ready to drop serious cash so the reward points don’t make a big difference, and I’ll spend my money elsewhere without any promise of rewards, but the technical assistance is lacking, and Express’ software does not work. I’m beyond annoyed. Express needs to keep its word or not offer something if they can’t deliver. In Massachusetts, that could be interpreted as a violation of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 93A.

6/18/19 Problem is finally fixed. I get an email with new temporary password and voice mail message from Twitter contact. It finally works. I can resume shopping.


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