Rosemary’s Baby


Drama, Horror, Mystery

Director: N/A

Release Date: May 11, 2014

Where to Watch

Rosemary’s Baby is not so much an adaptation as a reimagining. For it to work, you have to use movie logic, but it falls apart if you think about it too much. Honestly with such urbane, sophisticated and generous people, I’m sure that if they had just straight up asked, “Listen, your husband is cool with it, would you have this guy’s baby?,” then introduce her to Satan, she may have said yes because this Rosemary doesn’t appear to be a Christian or have any particular faith. When she accidentally saw Satan, she was a bit turned on and thought he was hot. The Satanists of this miniseries had more in common with alternative herbal therapies and holistic medicine. But nooooo, they had to roofie the poor woman, be all rapey, and ruin her marriage with their covert nonsense and kill off a lot of tertiary characters. In a day and age where there are plenty of women willing to be surrogate mothers or donate their eggs or aren’t Christian so not inherently going to buy the Christian story of Satan or are even into the idea of being edgy and may be interested in Satanism, with a bit of a spin, I don’t think that it as difficult a sell as it would have been when the book was originally published. I guess that is what makes Satan evil, he always has to do things a bit sideways what with the graphic murder and voodoo. What I really liked about this version is that because of the location (it is set in Paris, not NYC) and the nicest European Satan worshippers, I could buy that Rosemary wasn’t a complete idiot to initially give them so much control of her life although my opinion changed when they started smelling her and got a bit too invested in encouraging her to have sex with her husband. Also I did appreciate how Guy’s transformation from loving husband to conflicted opportunist seemed believable as opposed to the earlier characterization that he never loved her and was looking out for himself. Guy is still a complete self-involved loser bag, but his rationale seems believable, “They promised me that you wouldn’t be hurt and you really haven’t been.” Oh, Guy, you clearly weren’t watching the same movie that we were. I enjoyed the framing device that explained why Rosemary would be so desperate to insure that her baby is fully gestated although couldn’t she have googled tannis root earlier? Seriously, girl. I enjoyed the gender switch of Rosemary’s friend. It added texture to the main couple’s relationship. I love that Saldana got involved because even a famous Hollywood actress thought, “An all expense paid trip to Paris? I’m in.” Which only proves my point further-no covert action necessary. Future anti-Christ supporters, just ask the woman and offer proper incentive. She will probably say yes. There may be some women who find it enough of a draw to have a one night stand with Satan. Definitely a guilty pleasure and lightly hits the notes of powerlessness experienced by women in their most intimate choices.

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