Poster of Evelyn



Director: Bruce Beresford

Release Date: December 25, 2002

Where to Watch

Evelyn is the kind of movie that would fit in perfectly on Sunday night on CBS. It is loosely based on a true story about an Irish man who lost his children to the state/church. When his wife left him, and her whereabouts were unknown, he could not legally get her permission to have custody of his two sons and daughter, Evelyn, so the court sent his children to an orphanage, and he decided to fight the system. I was uncomfortable with some elements of the film: lots of Irish stereotypes, female stereotypes-either harridans or perfection, Vaseline smeared heavily over the camera lens when filming the countryside. Also it felt weird to me that so much focus on the daughter and not equally between all three children? What about the sons and their experiences in the orphanage? So soon after reading J.D. Salinger’s daughter’s memoir, I’m hyper sensitive to the dynamic of idealizing girls then demonizing women once they hit puberty if they are not innocent. None of this may apply here, but….male faults are amusing, oafish, harmless, forgivable and charming whereas female faults are signs of deeper moral failing. I’m probably being too hard on this movie because Evelyn is a really sweet, traditional story, and I enjoyed it. If the story sounds interesting, give it a shot.

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