High School of the Dead is never one to let a good story run its course, unnecessary & unrealistic boob & under skirt shots randomly appear, which I did not appreciate. One scene almost completely derails the series when all the girls decide to get scantily clad & act drunk though no alcohol was present. Lots of WTH moments. If all the puerile shots were eliminated, it would be a great examination of society’s collapse! Feels like it was made by a man who never saw a real breast move in his life. I understand that the audience may be teen boys, but there is a difference between Lara Croft idealized cartoon female body images in animation & this spectacle. Apparently this type of grossness in anime is called “fanservice.” Ew. One viewer put it best: “But other than the pedophilic nature of the creators I do think this is a very interesting series. I actually like it a lot, it’s very riveting and scary. Though I’m finding the panty and cleavage shots of children more SCARY and DISTURBING than the actual zombies.