Poster of The Wedding Banquet

The Wedding Banquet

Comedy, Drama, Romance

Director: Ang Lee

Release Date: August 4, 1993

Where to Watch

First, I can’t believe that I’ve never seen The Wedding Banquet before last night, but I haven’t. Spoilers. Second, I just couldn’t stop feeling angry for Simon & honestly thought that he went above & beyond being an understanding partner and meanwhile we’re supposed to be happy that he got a little pat on the shoulder & a recoil. Just no. He tries to (poorly) accept your culture, cares for your parents, gets cheated on & treated like the odd one out in his own house. DTMFA. Third, Wei Wei, you’re an awful person: you can’t hold on to a job, you don’t pay your bills with art, you get angry at Wai-Tung for cheating on Simon then in a kind of rapey way, encourage him to do just that, but it is OK when you do that & then because you miss having a home & people who care about you, you do this epically awful thing. You suck. Fourth, Wai-Tung, you are a slum lord, worse boyfriend/fake husband & not doing your parents or yourself any favors by so epically lying to them. Also it appears that you are also bad at keeping in touch with friends albeit for understandable reasons. What makes you a good match for Simon? Before there were cell phones, you were THAT guy who can’t spend a second off the phone. The titular wedding banquet and invasion of honeymoon suite would have been a good movie unto itself, but with these two, boo hiss. I need to like something about you before we put you in this scenario. With that said, this movie started what is now a classic archetype of two gay guys and a girl.

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