The line between homage and outright mimickry is a thin one. Super 8 is the latter complete with Spielberg trope of dead/absent mom, alien that you simultaneously want to sympathize with and fear, small town law of Jaws, children understanding what is really needed (E.T.), monster attacks from Jurassic Park, & useless father of Close Encounters. When the plot added in alcoholic dad, feuding fathers, kiddie love & girl in jeopardy (you’re never too young to need to be rescued), the film broke under its heavy handed cliches. The film held no authentic emotional resonance and felt like a paint by numbers kit for movies. Skip it & rewatch Cloverfield. Best part of the film: clip of army footage being watched by kids as a separate cassette of audio is played. Most original part of the film & most promising, but ultimately a missed opportunity to explore how past & present interact to form future narrative.