Poster of I'm Still Here

I’m Still Here

Comedy, Drama, Music

Director: Casey Affleck

Release Date: September 16, 2010

Where to Watch

I’m Still Here is classified as a mockumentary, but it is rarely funny so I disagree. I read a few interviews with Casey Affleck, and he seemed to think of it as a tragedy-someone aspires for a dream, but instead of being supportive, the industry uses it as an excuse to tear the person down instead of helping them become who they are trying to be. I disagree. If Phoenix was actually becoming a good rapper and did not act like an inarticulate loser bag, then I could see it & would agree. Perhaps an unauthorized biography of the Charlie Sheen story-someone excellent at acting who takes a wrong turn & becomes a man boy capable of only toddler mumbles or outbursts, but is enabled or ridiculed instead of kicked in the pants by loving people. I felt really bad for the creator of Two Lovers, whose promotion was overshadowed by Phoenix and Affleck’s antics. Best parts of the film: P. Diddy, Edward James Olmos & Mos Def–closest it got to being humorous in a mockumentary manner. If you ever wanted to see Phoenix’s penis, this is the movie for you. Otherwise skip this poor audio, fake narrative framing, bloated indulgent film. Did nothing for me. Maybe Affleck was aiming for an Andy Kaufman-esque revival.

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