Poster of Red Eye

Red Eye


Director: Wes Craven

Release Date: August 19, 2005

Where to Watch

Truly a psychological thriller with explicit feminist tones. Red Eye is a critique on how people are socialized to view explicitly threatening situations as consenting and sexual (only the kid gets it), how ineffective any authorized tools of protection are (Homeland Security, Secret Service, cops even to a large extent, fathers), how to protect oneself by accessing the language of your physical power, even if that means going back to the last time that it was authorized & condoned (as a teen, the main character was an athlete), how revisiting and facing a traumatic experience can be a source of power, not weakness, and how “female-driven, emotion-based dilemma” trumps “little male-driven fact-based logic.” I loved how the denouement took place in the home. I loved that all the family men were the good guys even if they were largely woefully ineffective. Applaud all the men behind the movie: Wes Craven & writers.

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